Mittwoch, 15. August 2012

Japanese TV series

I have to admit that Japan has a lot of splendid and gripping TV series and thanks to Torrent which allows me to download these series via internet, I can watch them.

One of my favourites are "Code Blue - Doctor Heli" (コード・ブルー -ドクターヘリ緊急救命) and "Rescue - Pride in Orange".

"Code Blue" is about four medical doctor interns on a Fellowship program in where they have to learn to join the Doctor Heli program. To perform medical tasks in a helicopter is very difficult but also a life-saver. Heroes indeed.

"Rescue" is also dedicated to our daily heroes, this time about the firemen who also have to perform difficult tasks during earthquakes, gasoline leaks and medical problems.
I know, it´s a film, but I met some casualties in Japan where I could see the real firemen in orange uniforms and I know how hard their works are. It´s good to watch "Rescue" and "Code Blue" for acknowledging the work of daily heroes instead of nagging on their "coming too late" or "where are they?".

Let´s watch more Japanese TV series!

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