Donnerstag, 11. Oktober 2012

The Dazzy Dizzy Days are over!

Hooorray! The medicine against Morbus Meniére ist working!
From Sunday I am free of this stupid dizziness in my left ear and at Tuesday I dared to try to drive with the tramway alone. From my station 20 minutes to Westbahnhof and then walk 10 minutes at Mariahilferstrasse.
The tramway was no problem - thanks heaven! But the walking was like an earthquake in my head and I found out, I should wear shoes with very elastic or soft soles. No heels, even if they are only 1 cm high!
I learned my lessons to keep my high heels stoved away still.

I went back home via subway, no problem too. Gosh, I did it and I am so happy that using the public transportation is not a problem any more.
I am walking to normality at last!

Yesterday it was my first day to use the subway to AKH, with my mother as aide. Till this day, I was brought to AKH with car because the Dazzy Dizzy Days didn´t allowed me to use the public transportation.

Sooooooo glad about this!!!!! I never thought that I would be super happy for using a tramway alone as if this would be a jackpot at lottery.
People easily forget to be grateful for daily chores and are reminded about it when they are sick or had a looooooong reconvalescene like me.

Next week, I want to start my comeback to the office and be part of the boring daily routine I will accept with a handkiss!
Perhaps I should refrain from kissing the floor of the office like the pope would do ;-)

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