Montag, 23. Juli 2012

The third step in the AKH...

Another day in the AKH (General Hospital of Vienna), this time with a logopedic. She informed me about the time after the surgery and that I will need a lot of patience!
Usually I have a short temper, but this time I have to keep myself at a short lash and have patience. My friend Patricia will help me because she is a perfect reminder about it. If I feel impatient, she always reminds me to calm down and take a deep breath (or two).

Today was also the day in which I had to choose the colour of the processor of the CI. It will be black because it should match my hair. Sadly there was no dark brown colour which would be perfect but black is also less an eye-catcher.
My favourite colour baby pink is also available but it´s mostly used by little girls and I am an adult already.

At 19th September I will receive the processor and then a new way of hearing will start. I hope everything will go smoothly.

2 Kommentare:

  1. This is fantastic! Of course everything will go smoothly and you will be very happy with your sound processor and the new hearing!

  2. Thank you very much for your encouraging words!
    It warms my heart and I don´t feel so nervous. A surgery in the head is very delicate and not easy to take.
