Samstag, 15. September 2012

Day 23 with CI

Since Day 15 with CI when my eardrum started to close and the inner ear pressure built up, I am feeling not well. Every step with the foot and even hectic movements with the hands or a simple friendly pat on the back causes a shake in my head as if there would be an earthquake inside.
This week was a hard ordeal for me!
Worried that something went bad during surgery I wrote to Mr. Horak from CI Austria about my problem because a friend of me didn´t have this problem after her surgery.
Mr. Horak is really a person who can help in need with the correct words - he told me that almost 40% of freshly operated people have the same problem like me. It´s the balance of the inner ear and it can last up to 3 months!
At first, I felt so relieved that I am not the only one with this problem. Then I groaned because I cannot imagine to stay at home soooooo long! I miss my work, miss my colleagues and miss my office.
I also miss piano lessons and the joy to play piano.

The only thing which is really positive is the good healing of the scar. The upper scar is still visible because exactly beneath the skin the CI was implanted. Now I can feel the CI but somehow when I touch the skin, it still hurts a little. I still cannot sleep on this side of the head.


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