Mittwoch, 5. September 2012

Geoge Michael is in every newspaper

I am not a fan of George Michael, but I can share his experience with the staff and the doctors of the General Hospital Vienna (AKH)! Despite some bad rumors and internal battles, I have to give the staff the most credits they deserve!

When I was intern, the nurses and the head doctor were always kind to me as well as the "food maid" who brought the food three times per day.
When I felt very sick because of too much fluid antibiotics, I asked for some peppermint tea and the food maid brought a whole bottle with peppermint tea and she also encouraged me to eat some bites of the soup because of my low blood pressure.
When I left AKH, she gave me kisses on my cheeks as farewell.

Today after my surtures were removed I visited "my" station in 15J in the hope to meet "my" nurses and the head doctor.
Four of them and the head doctor were there and they were really happy to meet me and asked about my healing progress. One small nurse was touched that I didn´t forget the people who helped me in the hard days after surgery.

Even if there are so many bad news around the AKH, it´s the staff and the doctors who deserve all credits! Even the staff in the operation ward was very friendly and before the narcotics took away my consciousness one OP-nurse took my hand because I was so nervous. What a human way in a really big hospital.

And I can understand George Michael for his thank to the doctors who saved his life and the staff who kept an eye on him.

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